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2024-03-01 22:23:20

My #Flancia is [[distributed federated incremental fractal altruism]], what is yours like? :)
2024-02-25 20:22:20

[[noosphere]] explainer
2024-02-25 20:22:03

#10 design principles for [[governing the commons]]:
2024-02-23 20:28:14

Hi all -- I'm back, what did I miss?
If you're waiting for me on something, please ping :)
2024-02-22 11:21:57

[[Douglas Hofstadter]] changes his mind on Deep Learning & [[AI risk]] (June 2023)? — LessWrong
2024-02-19 20:36:39

[[returning to monkey island]], a #documentary:
2024-02-19 19:37:37

[[constructive interference]], digital on analog, #2024
2024-02-17 01:26:21

[[darwin's library]]
2024-02-19 19:46:55

"To detach from the container without stopping it, you can press the Ctrl P and Ctrl Q keys together."
[[docker]] thing I've learnt every year for a few years in a row now ;)
[[Paranoid Quetzal]] is how I will try to remember it :D
2024-02-19 19:44:45

If you like [[Flancia]], please boost your favourite posts / [[nodes]] as you wish :)
Thank you in any case!
2024-02-19 19:16:50

Praise be, I think [[silver bullet]] comes close to what I was looking for all long!

screenshots of a reasonably-looking interpretation of my garden notes (in the Agora), running as a local progressive web app/editor!
2024-02-19 18:00:37

I want to try out [[silver bullet]] == this week.
I've been meaning to for a while; it seems like a good addition to the [[note taking]] space. It's a web app but 100% offline operation is possible. It is also based on plain files, which I consider critical.
2024-02-19 17:57:14

TIL about [[neurite]],
a fractal experiment in note taking space:
h/t [[JL]]
2024-02-17 02:01:38

[[open letters]] as noded by @…
Awesome stuff!
2024-02-17 01:51:44

I just came across an old tab about the apparent fact that I was [[shadowbanned]] on Twitter in late 2022/early 2023. I had normalized it by the time of this post -- but honestly, what a shitty thing to do in a social network.
My guess is that I was posting too much about bridges, in particular one that was relatively well-known at the time, and Twitter didn't like it.
2024-02-16 23:26:40

[[Some Other Time]] by Bill Evans, a variation on [[Peace Piece]]
Starring [[Ocell]]
2024-02-16 22:30:55

An instant classic:
[[cowsay]] should not be enabled by default
2024-02-16 22:00:45

Cenando con [[Lady Burup]], un programa en el #Fediverso.
2024-02-16 21:50:36

How many times can you [[burn]] a match?
2024-02-16 11:34:30

@… what happened to